
By Mia Collett
I really like this picture it’s really cute! I had fun at 菊池渓谷!I preferred it in the spring semester rather than the autumn semester because the weather was better!




I think this photo is so funny! Everyone was so tired from our trip to菊池渓谷that everyone fell asleep apart from me and Heather!



This is a nice group photo at 弓道!
Everyone tried really hard at kyudo and it was very difficult, it was a different experience.みんなしっかり頑張ったなぁ

This was after our trip to伝統工芸館!I love this photo because Terry looks like Jesus!!テリはイエスみたい!爆笑!

Mine and Ryan`s scones!! It was our first time to make them but I think we did a good job!!


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